Friday, January 18, 2008

CC2: Game postponed on account of my absent-mindedness

Yesterday was supposed to be the second session of my career counseling. I was really anticipating it: I made sure to charge my cell phone the night before, and I bought a new notebook to write down my notes. I made sure to download my test results onto the laptop so I could have them at hand during the call.

What I forgot to do, however, was bring the laptop with the test results to work. Debbie was gracious and we rescheduled the appointment to next week. But.... ARRRRRRGH! How could I be so stupid?

I know I shouldn't beat myself up, but really, this says it all. I was detail-oriented, all right, but I focused on the wrong details! I triple-checked my phone, and bought the notebook without being asked, but I forgot the docs that she had made clear we needed for the session.

I hate being absent-minded.

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