Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I've been home sick the past two days, with something that might be just a bad cold or something flu-like, I really don't know. All I know is, I'm sleeping like 14-16 hours a day, and when I'm awake I feel totally incapable of any sort of rational thought beyond, "I really want to sit up now; therefore, I should move the cat off of me." I know from experience that trying to write code when I'm like this is a BAD idea. I'll end up spending longer trying to fix my code written while sick than I lost to sickness in the first place!

Being sick like this does have an interesting connection to the theme of this blog, though. When I'm like this, I'm totally uninterested in the "big picture thought" that usually obsesses me. If I start to ask myself questions about long-term happiness with my career, I just find the whole topic so overwhelming that I panic and go back to sleep. Just as well -- for now, making it to work tomorrow morning seems like enough of a challenge.


s. douglas said...

It is interesting how stress or health related issues bring you into the now, and as a result all the superfluous chatter fades into the background.

If only you could hold onto the thinking, without the illness.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment.

I agree, it would be nice to be able to focus on the present without requiring illness to get me there.

Better still, if I could focus on the present when I choose and block all the big-picture stuff out, and yet still come back to the long-term view when I choose.... well, that would be just incredible.