Friday, January 4, 2008


Now that I'm no longer emotionally "hung up" about the carpal tunnel issue -- although it hasn't exactly gone away yet, not physically -- I can turn my attention back to the real root problem. I don't find sitting and coding for 8 hours a day to be stimulating enough to hold my interest.

I'll have much more to say about this, but I'll just introduce this insight I've had recently. My brain is such that I simply must feed it with stimulation, to a far greater degree than is normal. I mean, "normal" people need a little variety in life, at least most of them do, right? But plainly normal people can usually stay in the same job for six months without hating it. I can't.

It's not just job-related, but that's where contemporary life makes coping the hardest. I can (and do, to some extent) change my hobbies every three months if I need to. I can't change my work, unless I contract, consult, or do something else more varied than normal; or conversely, unless I've thrown in the towel and decided to be a temp, barista, or hamburger-maker. (I.e., professional jobs have the expectation that one be a "stable" person.) Because I can't change my work, I can't change my geographical setting. And when I can't change either of those, I get really antsy.

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