Thursday, January 10, 2008

Productive Thursday

I came in this morning determined not to repeat my unfocused yesterday. And mercifully, I can still do this for short periods of time. The first 1:15 of my day, I've been pretty focused, largely cleaning up some messes that have been screwing up our database.

I'm trying to quit a lot of the Web surfing (or, let's be honest, looking to fill my intellectual stimulation deficit) but I am letting myself blog a bit, obviously, and did let myself read these two posts from the law school dropout poker guy: Deep Thoughts Part I and Part II. It's not really about poker, more about how you assess what social value different careers produce. Good stuff.
But You want a truly worthwhile job? The guy from Triple-A I had to call to start my car in a bad neighborhood in -10 degree temperature when I had absentmindedly left my inside carlight on. The sewer inspectors who wade through other people's feces from 10pm til 6am so that you can flush your toilet in the morning. The city's electrical engineers who are literally on call 24/7, frequently dragged out of bed at 3am to fix the power lines the evening storm had knocked out. But I'm sure as hell not going to face the shitstorm that would result if I took my 2 ivy-league degrees and accepted one of those jobs.
It's really too bad this guy doesn't still blog, but perhaps he resolved all the issues he felt he needed to.

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