Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Deck chairs on the Titanic

I omitted a few details from my earlier posts today, in part because they're specific to my situation -- I'd like to focus more on general ADHD-in-the-workplace issues -- and in part because I was writing from work and didn't want to get into gory details.

We had a company-wide meeting today (less than ten of us) that confirmed some of what I've suspected about, um, let's call it a disconnect in direction. Basically my boss wants me to focus on projects that in my opinion don't add much value, and wants to deemphasize projects that in my opinion have the most upside. He forgot about the work I was most anticipated, and once I reminded him, stated that it's just an afterthought that we need to knock out in a week or two.

Moreover, it's clear that no one's visiting the particular site I work on. I'm not an idiot. I know that when no one views your site, you don't sell advertising. I don't think anyone blames me for this state of affairs. Indeed, I actually have some ideas that I think would go a long way toward "monetizing" the site I work on. But even if no one directly says, "He's working on a doomed site," it's clear that if sites get shut down then demand for developers decreases. I think the boss is happy with my work, but I could be wrong, and in any event I'm the last one hired.

I also think the economy in general is headed down the crapper -- remember the olden days of yore when electing Republicans was thought to be good for the economy, with economy not necessarily defined to mean "portfolios of the CEOs"? -- so I'm very reluctant to make a career change now without a clear goal in mind. Well, that's why I need the career counseling.

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